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Photo Cred - MitchellsVisuals

‘To Hell and Back is a journey through what we’ve felt and experienced over the past years. The absolute downfall of our mental health and the extrinsic things we see that makes us feel sick. Look around you’ll see the people you care about suffering, and you witness horrific injustices taking place in the world, an anger seeps in. It’s not a burst of anger, where you make stupid violent decisions. It’s a calm anger, where something clicks, and you know staying complicit isn’t an option. This album is everything we despise.’-Brodie Morgans (Cuffs Vocalist)

CUFFS debut album To Hell and Back drops onto streaming services on 10th Feb. To Hell and Back encapsulates the journey that we’ve been on since forming in Bristol in 2019. The albums lyricism focuses on personal struggles and the daily pain that those not in the top 1% face just to try and get by.

Like their previous releases CUFFS prove they can tap into societal and mental health issues in a masterful way. Showing us that they are more than just loud noises, they’re a deep thinking and thought-out band that can resonate with their listeners.

CUFFS wanted to encapsulate the feeling of their raw, high energy, passionate live shows within this album, which was engineered and produced by Matthew Cook Producer, mastered by Julio Maas-Palmer and Artwork designed by Flowers & Bones (cover photo by Ben Hunt).

Since 2019 CUFFS have spent their time relentlessly gigging. Honing their craft and building a strong reputation as a chaotic live band. CUFFS have performed alongside the likes of Bob Vylan, Haggard Cat, Graphic Nature, Vukovi and El Moono with performances at Burn It Down, Attitude and Turbulence festivals.

The punks who call themselves CUFFS will inspire you to take action, question the system around you, and have a damn good time while you do it. With drilling riffs, heavy beats and lyrics fuelled by angst and social frustration.

Coming from different parts of the UK (Devon, Gloucester, and Wales), Brodie Morgans (vocals), Lewis Harwood (drums), Will Kenneth (Bass) and Matthew Cook (Guitar), have collaborated their influences to give you the newest sound in the UK punk scene.

Previous Press Praise

‘Channelling something of a sharp-edged, modernised and youthful 90’s hardcore outfit, with one hell of a stiff upper-lip and the attitude to boot...just how punk rock should be.’- On the House

‘CUFFS have harnessed the frantic punk energy of Black Flag with the modern poignancy of modern punk. It’s a powerful combination that creates an intoxicating sound.’ - CLUNK Magazine

‘If you haven’t heard the words ‘We’re Cuffs from Bristol Fucking Town’ come blasting through a sound system, then the best live show of your life is very much still to come. - Noizze

‘These guys are definitely miffed off, and I’d say stick around if you want to hear their current opinion on Great Britain right now- ‘RGM Magazine

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